Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover

Hello there!, how are you?

I am a Legend, I am part of the Botanic History, I am small but I might come your dreams true. The people say that I am a variation of my sister but they don’t know that we are a big family where each leaf represents something

…the first is for Faith, the second is for Hope, the third is for Love…

and my little secret, with the fourth leaf that I have, I bring good luck to my finders, especially if found accidentally.

My name is Four Leaf Clover, Clivy, in this blog I am a “playlist”, but in the reality I am a Clover.

In my big family, the clover, there are 300 species of plants, but there is a gene that turns ordinary three leaf clovers into the coveted four leaf types (or me) was reported by the researchers from the university of Georgia in USA.

For another hand, I am in the bottom of this blog singing constantly -the songs were chosen by my maker-; If you want you could stop me or decrease the volume in the panel control (the little tiny circle in the bigger white circle is the volume, just press it and roll it).

Finally, my maker says that he is fascinated with me, he says that his new tool is perfect because he could hear music all the day with me. He loves that I am living in his blog (Maker: whatever you say Clivy, whatever you say).


P.S.: Maker: the legend that I prefer is about Magicians ancient Druids who lived in England around the year 300 BC, believed that anyone who owned one of these copies could absorb the powers of the jungle and the fate of the gods.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Always searching for those wasted years….

Well, I think the pictures remind us the good times but, at the same time, we’re living the good times all the time. For that, I put two pictures because they show two part of my life that I enjoyed.

The first photography was taken when I was in second grade, my partners and I wanted to create a Music Band called MERKEN, because a friend paid his bet, eating two breads with merquén, so exciting (I don’t want to reveal his name, but he is studying psychology with me).

I don’t like my school; neither its way to teach. The first thing that I heard from an inspector was: In this place, you eat or you’ll be eaten. I never believed in that, and my partners showed me the things are really different.

The second photography was taken in fourth grade, when we were taking our pictures for the yearbook and I don’t know where my yearbook is, but I know where my friends are and that they are ok, that is the thing most important to me, for that reason I put these pictures.

In both photos is missing Shappa, a friend, so I want to believe that he was taking the photographies.

Finally, these things remind me that when I’m a little worried for the grades of test and for my performance in the university, I can remind my friends and I realize that there are important things in my life, because the loyalty and the fraternity are things that nobody teaches me, nobody else that the people that really matters me…

that is really exciting, because in the university some teachers say that the more important thing is the relation; I would say the relationship, for that I will be happy, because there is so many people in the world to know, we are always living in the Golden Years to remind.

Face up... Make your stand,
And realize you're living in the golden years
(Wasted Years - Iron Maiden-)


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Technology of the past...

I’ll talk about my glasses because i think they are a piece of technology, a master piece to me.

I really don´t prefer the technology, but i usually i use it. In my preferente, the glasses are the best

I use them all the time, they are part of my life, i see my world that they see the world.

There are so many types, posmodernist, scientific, nerds, cool, psychoanalysts, sun and moon, and monkey glasses, but i prefer the glasses that i have, because they are calibrated for me.

When i was a child, twelve years, i think that i saw the reality, that i don´t need them but when i went to the ophtalmologist, the things changed a little bit. I think that i am a “Glasses Adict”!

My life without my glasses would be boring because i could take them away from my face and see a different world, and put it again to see a really different world, the glasses are my life and see my life at the moment, that is Amazing

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Superhero: Kirby, the enemies are part of our life....

Finally, i´ve chosen talk about Kirby, a little Pink Superhero, who never has said no when The Dream Land is in danger!

Kirby born in a videogame for Nintendo, they really don´t need him, but when they saw him, they could understand the really sense of his life, he has to live to save our world and rescue its dreams, fight against those bad moments, and do them part of our lives.

Oh!, he really likes me, because he likes to eat another enemies and copy their Powers, he could fly when his mouth is full of air and he copies the abilities of his enemies.

Maybe he is not the superhero prototipe, maybe he is fat –well, he is really a pinky ball-, he hasn´t a lot of abilities, he just could eat, we all could eat, but…

He’s always happy and when he has to fight he has a stoic appearance –he is not afraid when the evil and the danger is near-.

For another hand, is a videogame, we could use him, another superhero just show their Powers and abilities we could use Kirby to save the World.

Like humans be, we have forgotten some interesting things about our own lives, we believe that we need more that we have, that if we were superhéroes the things would change, and we make them and write stories about the superheroes, but i believe that, sometimes, is unnecesarily, we just could use our own abilities our hands and our brains, and feel us stronger for could eat the enemies and do it part of us.

This is what i think about Kirby, that our enemies could be part of us and helps us to resguard the Dream Land, our own Dreams.

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Nacho" Martín Baro, a propositive person.

I’ll talk about Ignacio Martìn-Baro, a psychologist and Jesuit priest, who studied Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Social and Organizational Psychology.

Some people describe him like a writer, a priest and a teacher. He published 11 books and many scientific and cultural articles. One of his thoughts was that the some people’s reality doesn’t have, necessarily; denied other realities, the poor people reality, like he show up in Action and Ideology (1983), where he wants to show up the Salvadoreños in their context social and individuality.

In November 1989, was killed by El Salvador Army because he was considerate a subversive person in his country, he just wanted to revelate the injustice the lies, the abuse, the sadness and the misery of his people.

Honestly, I didn`t know him so much because we have to read it to the first Social Psychology’s test for this year.

I like him because he always defended his ideal; he wants that the psychology faced the national conflicts from the real society conditions, from the popular society. And I like him because think that he isn`t a closer person and he really wanted to help society, and I believe that his way is very important to the social and educational Psychology.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Who is really Santiago?

Hey you! I’m Omar Santiago and i think it’s time to talk about my objectives, pleasures and my life.

I’m study psychology, a career where nobody has the true in his hands.

I’m learning to play the Viola and I play the bass guitar with some friends, i really like the music. I like read too.

I live with my mother and my sister, and my adorable pet “Bond”.

In this blog, one of my objectives is learn english writting and giving my opinion. It could be a chance to interact with people who speak english.

See you later, keep in touch!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

City of Angels (set by Brad Silbering in 1998):

Probably, the first time that i saw this film I fell sleep because when i was a kid i couldn`t be awake until midnight, it was the same with the movies Patch`s Adams and Braveheart.

My mother used to say to me every night that if a prayed to my Guardian Angel, he would take care of me, this is one of the reason i loved this film.

In my opinion, like humans, we could create our hapiness or not; sometimes there things that don`t let continue our lifes, for example, a forbidden love, the plot of the movie. : An Angel couldn`t fell in love with a woman. Seth (Nicolas Cage), our main character, will have to do a Leap of Faith to find his destiny, faraway from the sky.

But what is the moment in that we’re living?, that remind me a verse of the soundtrack (Iris- Goo Goo Dolls): “Yeah, you bleed just to know you’re alive”

Wheter we don`t want, the bad moments exist and we could cry a shout out, are part of the life that remind us that we`re alive and that we can make a choose.

I think that the movie City of Angels cautivate us since the first time, with a actress’ beautiful eyes (Meg Ryan) and a main character’s innocent face, who fight for a great ideal, an angel that invite us to think about the real sense of our lifes.

Worth fighting all life for a moment of happiness…? I’m keep looking for, what about you?