Wednesday, March 30, 2011

City of Angels (set by Brad Silbering in 1998):

Probably, the first time that i saw this film I fell sleep because when i was a kid i couldn`t be awake until midnight, it was the same with the movies Patch`s Adams and Braveheart.

My mother used to say to me every night that if a prayed to my Guardian Angel, he would take care of me, this is one of the reason i loved this film.

In my opinion, like humans, we could create our hapiness or not; sometimes there things that don`t let continue our lifes, for example, a forbidden love, the plot of the movie. : An Angel couldn`t fell in love with a woman. Seth (Nicolas Cage), our main character, will have to do a Leap of Faith to find his destiny, faraway from the sky.

But what is the moment in that we’re living?, that remind me a verse of the soundtrack (Iris- Goo Goo Dolls): “Yeah, you bleed just to know you’re alive”

Wheter we don`t want, the bad moments exist and we could cry a shout out, are part of the life that remind us that we`re alive and that we can make a choose.

I think that the movie City of Angels cautivate us since the first time, with a actress’ beautiful eyes (Meg Ryan) and a main character’s innocent face, who fight for a great ideal, an angel that invite us to think about the real sense of our lifes.

Worth fighting all life for a moment of happiness…? I’m keep looking for, what about you?